Climate change is real and is occurring every day in the world. Therefore, we must take action by improving our daily choices. One of the leading causes of temperature increase in the climate is greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning fossil fuels. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 27% of greenhouse emissions come from the transportation sector, while 57% are caused by passenger vehicles.
Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane are the three gases emitted when driving a vehicle. None are good, but carbon dioxide is created more heavily than the other two gases. When driving a car, you leave a carbon footprint in the atmosphere. Your vehicle could emit 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
It’s a problem in the world today, but you could make that number less and create a safer atmosphere by doing your part.
Riding a bicycle is not only great for the body but also a safer alternative for the world. You probably think that there are emissions of greenhouse gases during the production of the bike, but it’s significantly less than what is created by a vehicle.
It is unrealistic to assume that every individual can switch to a bicycle and solve the world’s problems. Commuting long distances would simply not work with a bicycle. However, according to the United States Department of Transportation, 45% of trips made by individuals in the United States are 3 miles or less. That’s not that long of a bicycle ride when you consider that some people can run that distance.
We at La Byci want to be there for you and your cycling needs. We value the safety of the planet and our cyclers. So the next time you choose between driving or riding your bike, make the choice that benefits your health and the world. Lessen that carbon footprint you're leaving, and we are one step closer to creating a safer planet.
Join the community at La Byci and make our world a much greener place to live.